Arthril Cure
Pain and Inflammation of Joints. Rheumatoid & Osteo arthritis. Gout, Back-ache. Provides relief in Sciatica, Rheumatism.
Pain and Inflammation of Joints. Rheumatoid & Osteo arthritis. Gout, Back-ache. Provides relief in Sciatica, Rheumatism.
Protects the liver against various hepatotoxins, Promotes appetite & growth.
Useful for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis of the liver, pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice.
Highly effective for Irregular, painful menses, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, hysteria, infertility, backache, headache, general weakness, anaemia, loss of appetite, hot flushes, ovaritis & ovarian cyst, Uterine fibroid, Swelling, abdominal cramp, sweaty palms & soles and other conditions of ill health in females. Purifies & forms new blood cells for glowing skin & beauty. Reduces pelvic congestion and obesity due to irregular menses.
Useful for indigestion, hyper acidity, heart burn, flatulence, colic pain, chronic constipation, loss of appetite, dyspepsia, Belching, uneasiness after heavy meals etc.
Purifies the blood & helps removes toxic substances. Useful in pimples, acne vulgaris, boils, blotches, blemishes, eczema, allergies, leukoderma and wheals which arise on the face, hands or any other part of the body.
Cardio Cure is specifically useful for angina pectoris, anxiety, bradycardia, cardiac neurosis, depression, hyperlipidemia, melancholia, mild hypertension, palpitation, phobias, post-myocardial infarction, stress and tachycardia, post-angioplasty conditions.