Hayat Cure

Helpful in curing Hepatitis, Gastritis and swelling of body organs. Biliary disorders Improves loss of appetite, poor digestion. Provides relief from abdomen pain and Nausea and Vomiting

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Ruma Oil

RumaOil is a mixture of herbal extracts and oil, which is very much effective for muscular pain, sprains and strains, arthritis, joint pain or swelling, neck & shoulder pain, lower back pain, knee joint pain.

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Liver Cure DS

Protects the liver against various hepatotoxins, Promotes appetite & growth.

Useful for the prevention and treatment of viral hepatitis, Cirrhosis of the liver, pre-cirrhotic conditions and early cirrhosis, fatty liver, jaundice.

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Health Cure

Health Cure Tonic is specially formulated for replenishing the loss of vital forces and energy. Improves General weakness, debility, nervousness, muscular tone for both the male, female, children & old man.
Improves appetite, digestion & blood formation.

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Fevi Cure

It is an excellent antipyretic that fights against fever of all origins or types, be it malaria, typhoid or common cold, influenza and fever with symptoms like bone pains, chills & rigor, sweating & delirium.

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